Vital Roof Maintenance Tasks You Should Never Ignore

Maintaining a roof is not an easy task, and it requires attention to detail. Without the right information, homeowners can make mistakes that can literally ruin their roof and expose them to leaks and damage. It is vital that you understand the proper way of maintaining your roof to ensure its lifespan and quality are preserved for years to come.

Maintain Your Gutters

Maintain Your Gutters


The gutters on your home play an important role in protecting the rest of your property from water damage. In fact, problems with your gutters are one of the leading causes of roof leaks. To ensure that your roof remains protected throughout the year, it’s important to make sure that your gutters are in good shape at all times. As a general rule of thumb, you should inspect and clean out the gutters on your home at least twice per year.

Remove Debris


Remove Debris

A buildup of debris on your roof can lead to serious problems, including leaks and rotting wood. You should clear away fallen leaves, branches and other debris as soon as possible after a storm or strong winds. As much as possible, you should make it a point to do this two times every year — once at the beginning of spring and again at the end of fall. If there are trees hanging over your roof, you may need to get on your roof more frequently.

Repair Shingles


Repair Shingles


You should inspect your roof shingles periodically for signs of damage or wear and tear. Some types of damage may be easy to spot from the ground, but if you’re not sure, climb up there for a closer look. Damaged shingles can lead to leaks, which can result in costly repairs if they aren’t addressed in a timely manner.

Inspect and Repair Your Chimney


Inspect and Repair Your Chimney


Your chimney may not be on your mind when it comes to roof maintenance, but it’s an essential part of keeping your roof in good condition. Inspect your chimney for cracks or loose bricks and mortar, which might allow water to get in. If you notice any gaps, have them professionally repaired with cement or caulking as soon as possible.

Trim trees regularly


Trim trees regularly


If trees hang over your home, you’ll want them trimmed, so branches don’t scrape across the shingles and cause damage. You’ll also want to keep an eye on heavy tree limbs that could fall in high winds or during storms.

Be aware of moss and algae growth


Be aware of moss and algae growths


These growths are commonly found on asphalt shingles, and they can cause considerable damage over time. This can occur during the winter months when there is a build-up of ice on the roof and snow melts or during the summer months when there is a lot of rain or humidity. You need to clean this moss and algae away as soon as possible before it becomes worse and leads to leaks or other major damages.

Maintenance on your roof is crucial if you want to keep the elements out and protect your home’s interior. If you neglect these tasks for too long, major damage to your roof, ceilings, and walls could be. There’s also no way to know what kind of damage may have already been done to your roof and home. So, in order to keep things running smoothly and decrease the likelihood of a major leak ruining your home, take some time today to familiarize yourself with the vital roof maintenance tasks you should never ignore.